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Practical activities for educators I

Class at Faculty of Education |


Program of School centers and School clubes from point of view the inclussion practical activities with natural and technical materials. Safety and hygiens of work with different materials.

Natural materials. Paper and  paper products.

Modeling materials.Textile materials. Construction activities.


The course is in the first part focused on a brief analysis of the current state of education of students in the field of Man and the world of work, the possibility of using practical activities in the programs of school groups and school clubs in terms of classifying practical activities. Furthermore, the possibilities of using practical activities with natural and technical materials in hobby activities are discussed.

The mission of the course is to clarify and present the examples of natural materials, paper products, textile materials, modeling and casting materials. Get acquainted with the possibilities and development of various aspects of the personality of the participants in hobby activities during activities with materials and construction activities.