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Methods and ethics of social work

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Methods and stages of social work. Volunteer work.

2. Case work - communication with client, problems solved in case work. Social counseling, help, counseling interview.

3. Mediation - method of mediation, role and skills of mediator.

4. Streetwork - concept and history of streetwork, target groups and forms of streetwork.

5. Introduction to the problems of social and legal protection of children, application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

6. Provision of social and legal protection of children.

7. Problems of substitute (family) care.

8. Protection of children from risky behavior.

9. Social and legal protection of children and related legislation, especially civil, labour, medical and criminal law.

10. Social work as a profession and professional ethics, values in social work, code of ethics of social worker, role of social worker, burnout syndrome and its prevention.


The course provides legal awareness in the field of social and legal protection of children. An essential basis is the knowledge of family law institutes related to the social and legal protection of children.

Related legal institutes in the field of civil, labour, medical and criminal law or the relationship to the social police or social pedagogy are not neglected. The focus lies on solving practical issues and analysing specific situations.