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Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmentalism

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Předmět se dotýká tří na sebe navazujících oblastí: 1) základy ekologie, 2) environemntalistika a ochrany životního prostřdeí resp. přírody, 3) úvod do aplikace těchto znalostí do praxe (průřezové téma environmentální výchova a jeho postavení v RVP ZV).


1. Ecology.

Basic terminology. Biotic and abiotic factors. Circuitry of substances. Energy cascade and food chains. Classification of ecosystems. World biosystems and their climatic conditions, model species etc. Dominant ecosystems. Key species of ecosystems. Ecological balance. Stress of the ecosystem. Disturbance. Ecological succession. Klimax. Resilience. Ecological niche. Competition intra-group and interspecific. Strategy of plants and animals. Adaptation to environmental conditions. 2. Environmental and environmental protection

Anthropogenic influences, migration and species transfer, biodiversity decline. Pollution of water, air, soil. Climate change. Diseases from the environment. The need for sustainable life (development). Governmental and supra-governmental strategies and nature conservation documents. Nature Conservation Organization. Nature conservation history. 3. Environmental education

Theft from nature. methods and inspiration, environmental sensitivity, stay in the nature, experience pedagogy. RVP ZV and Recommended Expected Outputs. How to classify EV in individual subjects or industries. EVENTS personalities in the Czech Republic and in the world. Environmental education centers and their offer to schools.