Through lectures and practical seminars, acquaintance with the importance, objectives and objectives of swimming, basics of swimming biomechanics, swimming history, development of techniques of swimming methods of breasts, emblem, crawl (theory, practice). Mastering the basic swimming skills and expanding the number of special swimming skills, practicing and mastering the technique of crawling crawl, emblem, breasts according to FINA rules, including beginnings and turns.
Problems of hydrophobia and its degradation and adaptation to the aquatic environment. Methods of teaching adult non-swimmers.
Frustration, stress, fear, and stud, as limiting factors of adult learning. Swimming and its influence in the field of health swimming, swimming as a means of promoting health.
Swimming as a means of regeneration. Health-oriented motion programs in water in terms of the impact of the aquatic environment on the human organism.
Through lectures and practical seminars, acquaintance with the importance, objectives and objectives of swimming, basics of swimming biomechanics, swimming history, development of techniques of swimming methods of breasts, emblem, crawl (theory, practice).