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Foreign language - English IV

Class at Faculty of Education |



GRAMMAR: past perfect; used to; question tags; noun suffixes; verbs+prepositions; reported speech

VOCABULARY: success and achievements; state and society; films; the news and the press


GRAMMAR: the third conditional; wish clauses; relative clauses; modals + the perfect infinitive

VOCABULARY: work; making decisions; conflict; gadgets; regrets; relationships


The course aims at developing students´ communicative competence from the initial B1+ towards B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It is the fourth part of a five-semester course.

Four essential language skills – speaking, listening, reading and writing - are developed throughout the course with the special focus on fluency and appropriateness of one´s speech. The students are motivated to clearly formulate their opinions about the topics from the coursebook.

Their wordstock is systematically enriched, especially with collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs and abstract expressions. Students are led to understand grammar as a system and their knowledge is extended by grammatical features occurring in the used texts.

Supplementary materials such as authentic newspaper texts and BBC recordings are employed.