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Foreign language- German III

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Orientierung in der Stadt. Opakování gramatiky: předložky se 3. pádem, předložky se 4. pádem, předložky se 3. a 4. pádem, časování sloves, způsobová slovesa.

Nová gramatika: řadové číslovky, směrová příslovce, datum, infinitiv závislý na podstatném a přídavném jménu, infinitiv závislý na slovesu.

Menschliche Beziehungen. Opakování gramatiky: ukazovací zájmena, zvratná slovesa, rozkazovací způsob.

Nová gramatika: ukazovací zájmena, předložky se 2. pádem. 


This course content is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with an additional focus on conversation (leading interviews, stating opinion, talking about likes and dislikes, discussing), reading (also authentic materials with a pre-reading plan), and essential grammatical elements, given by the objectives of an A2 language level, the learners’ needs and preferences. Aspects of German culture, way of life (student life, ways of living, food, religions), and history (The Third Reich and post-war Germany) are covered as well.

Listening skills are acquired by various listening texts, i.a. simple radio reports, interviews of students talking about their experience in living in a shared flat). The speaking competence is trained by describing and reformulating words, leading interviews, describing persons, discussion about newspaper articles etc.

Students will be enabled to use the German language in a culturally appropriate manner in everyday situations in a German-speaking environment. Hereby, they are introduced to traits of German way of life and culture, including geographical, political and historical aspects.

The fours skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are expended along with grammar structures and vocabulary. At the end of the course, students are able to express personal opinions, take part in (simple) discussions, understand more complex forms of information, talking about past and future events, describing visual impressions and feelings.

Topics like living, travelling, food and religions are covered in the course.