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Personality and Social Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


Two topics are always included in each seminar

1. Differentiation- mutual acquaintance in the group; the development of attention to differences and the search for advantages in differences; errors in knowing people, prejudices

2. Self-recognition and self-understanding - I as a source of information about myself; others as a source of information about me; my body, my psyche (temperament, attitudes, values); balanced self-concept

3. Communication - obstacles in communication, respect and assertive communication skills, non-verbal communication, communication in difficult situations - defense against aggression and manipulation, conflict resolution and negotiation

4. Creativity - development of the basic features of creativity (flexibility of ideas, originality, ability to see things differently), creativity in interpersonal relationships

5. Psychohygiena - positive thinking, stress, mindfulness, social skills to prevent stress in interpersonal relationships; relaxation, troubleshooting


This course focuses on three basic areas of student development - future teacher - personal, social and moral development. Its main goal is to help adapt students with the new role, in the new social group, to deepen the level of students‘ self-knowledge, their ability of reflection and self-reflection. The course is in line with the content of the cross-curricular theme of Personality and Social Education in the Framework Educational Program. The course is realised by alternating self-entertainment activities and their reflections in the group. The course includes mainly methods of psychosocial training, RWCT methods, dramatic education, psychotherapy and method of situation analysis.

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The password will be sent to students after enrolling in the course.