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Personality and Social Education II

Class at Faculty of Education |



Interpersonal relationships - care for good relationships; empathy and view of the world through the eyes of the other, relations in the group - group dynamics, rules

Communications - respecting and assertive communication skills, communication in difficult situations - defense against aggression and manipulation, conflict resolution and negotiation

Cooperation and Competitiveness

Problem solving - skills development, role in the group

Values, attitudes, practical ethics - analysis of own and foreign attitudes and values and their manifestations in the behavior of people; assisting and pro-social behavior of decision-making skills in ethically challenging situations of the day

Characteristics of quality teacher - reflection and self-reflection

Personal and social education in primary school and possibilities of its realisation - managing group self-entertainment activities and their reflections


This course follows the course, Personality and Social Education I. It focuses on three basic areas in pre-service teacher - personality, social and moral development.

Its main goal is to further deepen the level of self-recognition of students , their ability to reflect and self-reflection, to equip them with the basic knowledge and skills necessary for their realisation of the goals and contents of personality and social education with students in primary school. It allows students to reflect their past experience of working with the children's group / class and its management.

The course is therefore the course is in line with the concept of the cross-curricular theme of Personality and Social Education in the Framework Educational Program. It is accomplished by alternating self-enjoyable activities and their reflections in the group.

He uses mainly methods of psychosocial training, methods of RWCT, dramatic education, psychotherapy and method of situational analysis.