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Teaching Practice I

Class at Faculty of Education |


Teaching Practice I includes first-degree elementary schools in various schools. A part of the lessons is  discussed with school leaders and teachers, and reflection on the experience of listening in connection with the topics of Didactics of the 1st Grade of Elementary School.


The aim of this educational practice is to guide students to understand the different types of schools and the different concepts of teaching at elementary schools. The ability of students to observe teaching and evaluate their quality with the support of criteria is developed. Students are encouraged to think about the concepts of teaching and learning strategies of schools and teachers in relation to the age and individual needs of students. Students learn systematically to reflect their practical experience with the support of basic didactic categories and themes and using the file of the student's work on educational practice and the student educational portfolio.

Study support is available in Moodle at:

The password will be sent to students by the teacher after logging in to the course.