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Personal and Professional Development

Class at Faculty of Education |


The teaching of the subject includes the topics:

1. Reflection and self-reflection of the student's/prospective teacher's journey so far, strengths and weaknesses, personal and professional development plan

2. Teaching portfolio as a tool for teacher training and further professional development and preparation for CPD

3. Communication of a teacher in a challenging pedagogical situation with students, parents and colleagues

4. Psychohygiene of the student and teacher, preparation for coping with a challenging situation in the context of studies, prevention and intervention of teacher burnout syndrome


The course focuses on the continuity of the personal and professional development of the students of teaching, reflects, deepens and extends the professional knowledge and skills of the students and contributes to the development of their professional identity. It focuses on the dilemmas and behavior of future teachers in conflict with each other, adults and students.

In the section dedicated to the educational portfolio, it focuses on working with students' materials developed during the course of study, reflects them and integrates the results of student learning to date in favor of the development of the professional competences of teaching staff. The dilemmas and conflicts between student conflicts and portfolio work go beyond the process of learning and evaluating students in primary school.