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Integrative Training Seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |


Area 1 - main topics:

Quality of the teacher, professional standard, professional knowledge, skills and competences of the teacher for 1st st. Elementary School.

The importance of theory and practice and their interconnection for the professionalization of the teacher.

Integration of existing contents and results of the student's professional teaching Teaching for the 1st st. Elementary School.

Professional identity, self-concept - professional values, beliefs, perceptions of professional proficiency, subjective teaching.

Professional autonomy and responsibility.

Professional development - the importance of systematic reflection and self-reflection in the teaching profession, career development planning, self-regulation of professional learning, career system, forms and opportunities for in-service teacher education, including work with the professional portfolio.

Area 2 - main topics:

Teacher as an employee and labor relations with the employer.

Responsibility for students - definition and extent of responsibility in legal documents, resulting obligations (eg educational supervision) and teachers' rights. Overview of typical risk situations, how to deal with them and how to deal with them; Case Reports and Case Laws.

School Law, School Act, Teacher Education Act, Decree on Primary School, Decree on the Education of Students with Special Educational Needs and Extremely Gifted Students, Decree on Further Education of Teaching Staff,

Negotiation with parents - basic communication channels and strategies. Concepts and forms of class meetings. Forms of collaboration with parents and school support (eg sponsorship). Addressing possible disputes and enforcement (eg notification duty on OSPOD).

Collaboration with the teaching staff and with external experts - (educational and psychological counseling center, Czech School Inspectorate, etc.). Organizational structure of the school. educational council. School council. Class documentation.

Teacher self-teaching - mentoring, supervising. Further education. Burnout syndrome and psychological resistance of teachers. Organisation of work and time management. Work-life balance.


The aim of this course is to integrate the existing contents and results of professional learning and to prepare the student to enter the teaching profession in the full range of social roles and responsibilities. In terms of goals and content, the course has two main features:

(1) To support the completion of the process of integration of the existing contents and results of vocational learning and the integration of the theoretical and practical components of the five-year study, in line with the experience of Continuing Educational Practice II and with the support of working with the student educational portfolio. Encourage student preparation for state final exams. Encourage the development of the student's professional identity over five years of study. Based on self-reflective techniques, build a professional self-concept - who I am as a teacher (professional philosophy, values, beliefs), what are my strengths and areas for improvement, and develop a theoretically grounded and argued self-concept of teaching. The aim is also to lead students to the responsibility for further professional development and to equip them with other specific tools for self-regulation of professional learning (eg the development of a Personal Career Development Plan, its evaluation and the formulation of new goals).

(2) To equip the student with knowledge and skills facilitating his / her professional socialization - establishment in the educational college, orientation in school conditions, its culture and formal procedures, expected work tasks and responsibilities at school, typical stress situations faced by beginning teachers, including effective strategies for their management and solution. In addition, preparation for the class teacher function (most primary school teachers automatically take the position of a class teacher) and communication with parents and other social partners of the school.