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Visual Culture 2 / II

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Výtvarná kultura 2 Renesance, vznik v Itálii a v Nizozemí.

2. Potřeba řádu a návraty k odkazu antiky – raná renesance: Masaccio.

3. Proměny vztahu k antice: Leonardo, Raffael, Michelangelo

4. Caravaggio.

5. Rubens.

6. Francouzské rokoko.

7. Klasicismus a realismus.

8. Romantismus.

9. Impresionismus: Manet, Monet.


Visual culture 2

Representation as the basis of fine art. Renaissance, Baroque, 19th century - the main theme of the course is exploring the role of sensory perception in learning about the world and changing the concept of its meaning. Period changes in the relationship of visual perception and work of art, the role of illusion and the way to evoke it. Importance of reflection of own sensory experience (works of art, reality, own creation) for targeted development of sensory sensitivity of pupils. Imaging systems, types of perspective, their use in various arts. Visual perception in relation to perception by other senses. Interdisciplinary relations of art disciplines.