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New Religious Movements

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Nová náboženská hnutí s křesťanským pozadím (mormoni, svědkové Jehovovi, moonisté).

2. Hnutí s hinduistickým pozadím (Haré Krišna, Srí Chinmoy, Sahadža jóga, Rajneesh Osho aj.).

3. Hnutí s pozadím buddhismu, islámu.

4. Hnutí s esoterním a okultním pozadím (Poselství grálu, satanismus aj.).

5. Nebezpečí psychokultů (Scientologie aj.) pro současnou mláde


The course deals with contemporary alternative religiosity. Attention is paid to the following issues: an overview of selected contemporary alternative religiosity, the circumstances of formation of various religious groups, religious groups founders - their life and work.

In the course is a opportunity for discussion about the philosophy of various religious groups, and especially about the way of life of members of religious groups. Emphasis is placed on the discussion about the dangers of certain religious movements for contemporary youth.