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Classroom Observation in Biology

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. úvodní seminář (organizace praxe, požadované výstupy),

2. přímé náslechy výuky přírodopisu/biologie na ZŠ nebo SŠ,

3. zpracování reflexí dle požadovaného zadání – každý student individuálně,

4. reflexe s fakultním učitelem,

5. průběžné reflektivní semináře na fakultě,

6. závěrečný reflektivní seminář.


The course is focused on developing students' ability to pay attention to learning authenticity and on mediating experience with the school environment. Students attend 8 hours of science / biology at low secondary or upper secondary schools and then 4 hours of reflection with the teacher at low/upper secondary school.

They process thematically oriented reflections, in which emphasis is placed on monitoring didactic activities and its evaluation with regard to selected learning objectives, lesson schedule, including time devoted to self-evaluation and peer evaluation of students. Furthermore, students will focus on the way how to ask questions during teaching and observation techniques to determine the current state of understanding of students, as well as to provide feedback, its effectiveness and handle making mistakes.

During the semester, students will also participate in 5 reflective seminars with a teacher at the faculty (including an introductory and concluding meeting).