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Evolutionary Biology Seminary

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Předmětem semináře budou především následující témata:

1. Přírodní, pohlavní a skupinový výběr v evoluci,

2. Specifika mikroevoluce a makroevoluce s ohledem na vznik a evoluci primátů,

3. Adaptace a jejich význam pro evoluci s přihlédnutím k lidkské evoluci, 4 Evoluční genetika – současné trendy evoluční genetiky, přínos evoluční genetiky pro znalosti z evoluce člověka i antropologie obecně a možnosti výuky v didaktice biologie a na školách,

4. Evoluční systematika a její praktický přínos pro biologické a paleobiologické vědy.

5. Sociobiologie a její souvislosti s evolucí a chováním, včetně lidského chování.

7. Nové směry v evoluční biologii – paleogenetika, evoluční psychologie a neurobiologie a evoluční aspekty fyziologie chování.


Evolutionary biology as a field of study also includes the issue of human evolution and the aim of the course is to expand the knowledge of evolutionary biology and evolutionary anthropology, which can be used by the teacher in teaching at primary and secondary school.

1. Natural, sexual and group selection in evolution,

2. Specifics of microevolution and macroevolution with respect to the origin and evolution of primates,

3. Adaptations and their importance for evolution with respect to human evolution, 4 Evolutionary genetics - current trends in evolutionary genetics, the contribution of evolutionary genetics to the knowledge of human evolution and anthropology in general and the possibilities of teaching in biology didactics and in schools,

4. Evolutionary systematics and its practical contribution to biological and paleobiological sciences.

5. Sociobiology and its relation to evolution and behaviour, including human behaviour,

7. New directions in evolutionary biology - palaeogenetics, evolutionary psychology and neurobiology and evolutionary aspects of behavioural physiology. In addition to a review of key evolutionary concepts and basic ideas and scientific paradigms, the course aims to activate and motivate students, to teach them how to lead discussions on various evolutionary and general topics, and to use the knowledge gained from previous studies. This is made possible mainly by exercises in which students are encouraged to make active use of evolutionary concepts and theories, and to interpret them at a level that can be applied in school lessons and extracurricular activities.