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Practical Exploration of Nature II.

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Předmět je určen pro teoretickou přípravu pro vedení exkurzí do nejrůznějších typů biotopů, případně chráněných území různých kategorií.

Absolvent kurzu se v kurzu naučí zorganizovat oxkurzi do jakékoli dostupné lokality.


The course is designed to improve the condition of students of the Master's degree in practical identification of natural resources, here specifically animals, especially vertebrates. Natural history identification is a discipline generally and long undervalued, and thorough training makes it easier for future teachers to enter teaching practice.

The subject will be taught both theoretically, i.e. by repeating the acquired competences, and especially practically. The students will be assigned papers leading to specific species and species groups, which will then be discussed in the seminar.