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Heritage Management and Care I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Přednášky a okruhy:

1.       Úvod do památkové péče (2h)

2.       Dějiny památkové péče (2h)

3.       Legislativa památkové péče (2h)

4.       Předkupní právo státu (2h)

5.       Dotační tituly v památkové péči (2h)

6.       Autenticita v památkové péči (2h)

7.       Restaurování (2h)

8.       Památky UNESCO (2h)

9.       Archeologická památková péče (2h)

10.    Vývoj, ochrana a regenerace historických měst (2h)


The course provides students with a comprehensive overview of all activities related to heritage management and care in the Czech Republic. It comprises discussion on international convention; systems of registration and documentation of cultural monuments; basic procedures for the maintenance, restoration and conservation as well as public presentation of the monuments.

Students will have developed understanding of basic principles and procedures such as the performance of state monument care through municipal and regional authorities, the role of the National Heritage Institute, issues of area protection or archaeological monument care. They will also study heritage management and care in histirocal pespectives (e.g. basic approaches to the preservation of the monuments in the 19th and 20th centuries; development of the concept of authenticity or evaluation criteria for declaring a cultural monument under the Heritage Act).