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Didactics of Heritage Interpretation II

Class at Faculty of Education |



1. The potential of cultural heritage for lifelong learning2. Visitor research - Czech and foreign experience3. Visitors with special educational needs - from integration to inclusion4. Volunteering and community cooperation - Czech and foreign experience5. Development and evaluation of interpretation strategies6. Interpretation scenario (educational trail, guide syllabus, exhibition)7. Development and evaluation of educational concepts and programmes8. Educational materials for non-formal and informal learning


The course develops students' independent didactic thinking and creates preconditions for their professional application in conceptual and evaluation work in the field of cultural heritage interpretation. Attention is paid to the issue of lifelong learning in the historical environment, the development of volunteering and community cooperation.

The course draws on the theoretical background and research of museum, gallery and monument pedagogy and andragogy. Emphasis is placed on the institutional accessibility to wider audience (eg. family visitors, seniors, foreigners, visitors with special needs).

Students will critically reflect on the possibilities and limits of using the educational potential of the historical environment and cultural institutions for the needs of non-formal and informal learning. They will prepare discuss the draft of interpretation strategy and defend a written piece of seminar work (eg. comprehensive design of an educational program, or scenario of a community exhibition).