Introduction to the course, relationship of the current development of educational technologies to the pedagogy.
Selected results of research on the use of technology in teaching and technological trends influencing pedagogy and changes in the society. Didactic properties and specifics of current trends (authentic mobile learning pedagogies, cloud, mobile devices, touch devices, online learning communities, MOOC ...).
Up-tu-date situation of the Czech schools in the field of digital technology use and integration into teaching and school life.
Cognitive and constructivist aspects of psychodidactic systems. Instructive, constructive and connectivist educational environment.
Use of digital technologies in assessmen, edumetry, formative, normative and summative assessment, self-evaluation, construction of tests and assessment. Assessment issues (PISA, ICILS, PIAAC, TALIS, InSPIS ...).
Current revisions of the Framework Educational Programs, Digital Technology Integration and Computational Thinking, Open Learning Principles in the Digital Learning Environment, Industry 4.0. State Educational Policy and the Digital Education Strategy of the Czech Republic.
The course is build on the previous teaching of didactically oriented courses, especially the relevant thematic units of Educational Technology and ICT Didactics. The course focuses mainly on the up-to-date trends in the development of educational technologies and applies constructivist theory of learning, constructive approaches to education and relevant teaching methods. In accordance with the didactic and methodological orientation of the Master's study program, the aim of the course is to develop students' ability to transform acquired knowledge and skills into real learning activities with constructively, in a didactically and technically appropriate way by problem-based teaching, project-based teaching and ICT-based targeting, and thus improve overall student competency in the direction of the practical application of ICT in education.
For the above reasons, the principle of teacher training applied in this course is partly based on pedagogical isomorphism, with preference for constructivist learning processes, especially active learning, creative work with ICT, assessment and self-assessment.