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Contemporary pedagogical practice (information and communication technologies) at elementary school

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Seznámení s koncepcí a organizací pedagogické praxe

2. Výběr školy. Zápis na praxi. Administrativní záležitosti související se zajištěním praxe.

3. Pedagogická praxe na škole. On-line podpora. Hospitace.

4. Vyhodnocení praxe.


Educational practice is the first opportunity for students to test their teaching skills directly in school teaching in ICT-oriented subjects. Pedagogical practice takes place at selected primary schools.

Students attend sample lessons of their leaders and complete their own outputs. Students learn to create lessons, design, implement, solve and evaluate pedagogical situations in teaching ICT subjects.

Particular attention is paid to the implementation phase and the reflective phase. During their practice they are involved not only in teaching, but also in other school events and programs, to gain experience in solving real problems in the school environment and to learn the teacher's profession in various situations and conditions.

Supervisors (mentor - faculty teacher, tutor - subject didactics) are in charge of students during their teaching practice.