historický přehled dalšího vzdělávání učitelů
institucionální struktura a současný stav DVU v ČR
typy DVU, formy, metody a zaměření
další vzdělávání učitelů v zahraničí
další vzdělávání učitelů / vzdělávání dospělých
legislativa k dalšímu vzdělávání učitelů
management DVU
kritéria kvality vzdělávacího programu
teacher continuous professional development (CPD) - basic concepts, theoretical base
historical overview of teacher education
institutional structure and the current state of CPD in the Czech Republic
CPD types, forms, methods and focus
CPD abroad
teacher education / adult education
legislation applying to CPD
management od CPD
quality criteria for a training program
teacher continuous professional development (CPD) - basic concepts, theoretical base historical overview of teacher education institutional structure and the current state of CPD in the Czech Republic CPD types, forms, methods and focus CPD abroad teacher education / adult education legislation applying to CPD management od CPD quality criteria for a training program
The course is intended to provide basic knowledge of the professional development and in-service teacher education. Students will learn basic concepts and theoretical bases of teacher continuous professional development and the current state of CPD in the Czech Republic and in selected European countries.
They will address quality criteria which are expected from professional development programs.