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ORL and Phoniatry

Class at Faculty of Education |


Anatomy of the auditory system - external, middle, inner ear, central part of the auditory system, auditory pathway. Development of auditory organ.

Theory of hearing. Function of auditory system, peripheral auditory analyzer, central auditory analyzer.

Bone and aerial transference.Hearing and age. Hearing and speech, speech and sound aspects of speech, speech development.

Ear examination. Hearing tests.

Examination of hearing in children - by toys, speech and tuners, audiometry, audiogram, objective audiometry. Hearing disorders.

Hearing aids. Early re-education.

Cochlear implant. Speech - causes of infirmity and speech disability.

Voice - organic and functional voice disorders. Nose, sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx, bronchi.

The nose structure and its function. Nose diseases in the relation to hearing and voice function.