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Culture and PR of Education Organization

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Hlavní témata předmětu:

1.     Kultura školy

2.     Klima školy

3.     Škola jako značka

4.     Image školy

5.     Marketingová komunikace a komunikační kampaň

6.     Vztahy s veřejností

7.     Komunikace školy s veřejností na internetu

8.     Sociální sítě školy

9.     Marketingový výzkum a škola

10.   Etika ve škole


The course deals with issues of public relations and culture in organizations with a focus on educational organizations. Public relations (PR) are a social communication activity.

Through it, the organization acts on the internal and external public with the intention of creating and maintaining positive relationships with it and thus achieving mutual understanding and trust between the two. The culture of an organization then represents a system of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions, often unformulated, but determining the way people and organizations behave and act.

The course includes a basic approach to public relations, connection with the culture of the organization, its philosophy and identity.