Úvod do metodologie společenskovědního výzkumu – základní metodologické koncepty, terminologie, výzkumné strategie a metody.
Náležitosti výzkumného projektu – formulování výzkumného problému a výzkumných otázek, volba vhodné výzkumné strategie a nástroje sběru dat, vhodné metody analýzy dat.
Specifika kvantitativního přístupu – formulace a ověřování hypotéz, longitudinální výzkum, experiment.
Specifika kvalitativního přístupu – formulace výzkumné otázky, zakotvená teorie, případová studie, metody analýzy a interpretace dat.
Akční výzkum – přehled hlavních přístupů, ukázky vybraných akčních výzkumů a srovnání jejich silných a slabých stránek.
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the possibilities of researching selected phenomena in education. The teacher is faced with a series of questions today and daily and many people offer different answers.
Science and research are now often considered to be an objective referee to whom we deny our eyes. But how can research answer many questions asked by teachers, parents, policy makers or pupils themselves? For example, the following questions: What knowledge and skills do Czech pupils have compared to abroad? How does the qualification of a teacher relate to pupils' learning outcomes? Is assigning homework to pupils an effective learning strategy? How to measure pupils' learning outcomes and what influences them most? How is the climate of the classroom or the whole school measured? How do parents choose school and why is this important to them? And who more often chooses to postpone school attendance? In this course, we will present a series of specific research questions useful to teachers and several different researches that have sought to answer them.
A side effect is the students' own acquaintance with the findings of research on education. On the basis of these topics we will draw basic methodological knowledge and, among other things, we will show the benefits and limits of various approaches (quantitative, qualitative, mixed) and methods (questionnaires, observations, experiment), but also examples of inappropriate generalization from data that do not.
We will introduce students to approaches in comparative and longitudinal research and their benefits (both qualitative and quantitative). We will get to the basics of what is a sign of quality, validity, reliability and why they are important.
The course is thus a basic introduction to the research methodology for students of teaching, which then needs to be followed by other courses that will focus on ways of conducting their own research (research project creation - usually a diploma seminar), and we also offer a number of optional courses separately for qualitative and especially for quantitative methods and data analysis).