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Gender socialization and equality in school

Class at Faculty of Education |


The course is an opportunity to systematically present scientific knowledge concerning the psychological mechanisms of masculinity and femininity formation against the background of biological laws and cultural characteristics. The aim of the course is for future teachers to understand the socio-cultural construct of gender identity and to reflect the risks of gender stereotypes, especially for school education in co-educated classes. Equality, which is a fundamental principle of democratic education, must also include equality of access and treatment of girls and boys. The course will discuss different approaches to promoting gender equality in education. The course consists of six meetings where students read the recommended reading (chapters from books, professional empirical articles, analytical reports from national or international surveys, school-political documents, etc.) and work out individual or group tasks of a practical nature. The meeting serves for theoretical framing of the discussed topic, for presentation of application tasks and for discussion. The course is divided into the following six thematic blocks, each of which is devoted to a separate meeting and related reading and ongoing tasks:

1. Gender and gender socialization - Biological gender and gender. Gender roles and gender identity. Psychological theories of gender identity development. Basic mechanisms of gender socialization. Gender stereotypes and prejudices. Education in the family. Role of media .;

2. Gender inequality in education - The concept of equality in education. Equality as a basic value of education. Relationship between gender and other types of inequalities. Manifestations of gender inequality in Czech education. Gender horizontal and vertical segregation of the education system. The concept of gender sensitive education and gender neutral education. Current education policy of gender equality .;

3. Gender in educational content - Curricular documents from gender perspective. Gender of school subjects and activities. Gender load of textbooks, levels of possible load (curriculum, examples, illustrations, language), principles of gender non-stereotypical textbooks;

4. Gender in educational communication - Teaching ideas and expectations of girls and boys. Gender patterns in the frequency and content of communication between teachers and students. Gender aspects of pedagogical evaluation. Communication between girls and boys in co-educated classes. Gender aspects of the structure and dynamics of school classes. Different types of student masculinity and femininite. Negotiation of masculinity and femininity in the classroom. Gender motivated harassment .;

5. Gender and teaching - Representation of women and men in teaching. Representation of women and men by school level, qualification and job position. The phenomenon of “glass ceiling” and “glass elevator”. Gender pay gap in education (gender pay gap). Feminization of teaching as a "problem". Possibilities of increasing the proportion of men in teaching;

6. Promoting gender equality - Methods and techniques of awareness of gender stereotypes on the part of teachers and students. Individualized and activation teaching methods. The principle of freedom in career guidance. The role of equality in a healthy school.

Study programmes