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Sharing professional experience and collegual support

Class at Faculty of Education |


The subject offers an introduction to the possibilities of peer support and the sharing of professional experience among teachers, either within a particular school or across schools. In the course, existing techniques of sharing and reflecting the professional experience and peer support are presented. Specifically, the attention is paid to those techniques currently used in Czech schools. The individual and team benefits of different techniques are shown, as well as psychological and organizational obstacles to their implementation. The practical experience with different techniques is part of the course. The course contains theoretical blocks supplemented by practical exercises. Students will read the recommended literature and perform the tasks according to the schedule so that the direct meetings at seminars can be devoted to reflections of self-experience and discussions of theoretical-empirical publications. Course Topics:

1. The importance of reflection and self-reflection of professional experience among teachers;

2. Techniques for sharing experience and peer support for the professional development of schools and individuals;

3. Specifics of individual, dyadic and group techniques;

4. Supervision, intervention, mentoring, Balint groups, coaching, etc.;

5. Organization and rules of selected techniques;

6. Barriers to the introduction and implementation of techniques for sharing experience and peer support - barriers at the individual and school level;

7. Practical examples of selected techniques.

Study programmes