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School assessment

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Funkce školního hodnocení, typy hodnocení dle vztahové normy, slovní hodnocení versus formativní hodnocení, koncept zpětné vazby, individuální pokrok žáka

2. Plánování výuky, stanovování cílů, taxonomie cílů

3. Kritéria hodnocení/úspěchu - jejich typy, sestavování, vazba na důkazy o /na/učení, pravidla pro poskytování zpětné vazby

4. Zjišťování aktuálního stavu porozumění žáků, respozivní výuka, klíčové otázky, reakce na chybu žáka

5. Sebehodnocení, vrstevnické učení a hodnocení


The aim of the course is to present various assessment methods in the Czech schools including practical examples and to motivate the students to consciously use a wide range of assessment methods supporting the quality of teaching. The course will introduce current foreign and domestic trends in student assessment and demonstrate the possibilities of using them to improve the quality of one's own teaching in practice. The course links theory with practice using specific authentic examples obtained in research in Czech schools (didactic materials, videos, etc.) It aims to inspire students in their daily pedagogical activities and, stimulate their interest in the teaching profession and contribute to improving the quality of teaching. Topics:

1. School assessment of pupils and the concept of education, functions of school assessment, types of assessment, verbal assessment versus formative assessment, feedback

2. lesson planning, goal setting, taxonomy of goals

3. Assessment/achievement criteria - their types, how to create them, evidence of learning, rules for providing feedback

4. Determining the current state of students' understanding, responsive teaching, key questions, reaction to a student's mistake

5. Self-assessment, peer learning and assessment

Study programmes