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Working with social-pathological phenomena in school

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Forms of prevention of socially pathological phenomena in an educator’s work, timely intervention.

2. Methods for detecting and monitoring of risky manifestations of behaviour of children at school with account to extra-curricular education.

3. Prevention and timely intervention as a team work, problem solving in an interdisciplinary approach.

4. Legislative documents on the issue in question.

5. Active social learning as a form of prevention.

6. Cooperation with a family, the police and other experts. Organisations securing primary intervention in a region.

7. Specificities of various youth custody centres and creation of preventive programmes.

8. An overview of child psychopathology and sociopathogenic factors with account to the younger school age.

9. Signal factors in an individual’s behaviour and their monitoring.

10. Manners and methodology of the targeted crisis intervention under the conditions of extra-curricular education.

11. Intervention methods, working with a group (the methodology and practical training), practical solutions to typical situations.


The subject provides information on and skills of the primary prevention of socially pathological phenomena at school, enables to learn the principles of a timely intervention aimed at a child who is urgently endangered with socially pathological phenomena (SPP). The issue is presented in a wide context, emphasises a team cooperation and interdisciplinary approach in solving risky manifestations of behaviour of children and young people.

The subject is a follow-up to knowledge obtained during lectures on special pedagogy and psychology.