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Science and Technology for Children

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Příběh moderní vědy a techniky.

2. Co patří do přírodovědné gramotnosti.

3. Dětské koncepce přírodních jevů a práce s nimi.

4. Pokusy a pozorování s dětmi, zajímavé přírodovědné problémy (voda, vzduch, elektřina a magnety, světlo, meteorologické jevy, hvězdná obloha).

5. Věda a technika v moderní společnosti (kontroverzní témata - jaderná energetika a energetika obecně, robotika?).

6. Věda a technika v umění a kultuře.

7. Vycházky a exkurze (infrastruktura města - technologie a inženýrské sítě, Prahou za astronomickými památkami, průmyslové dědictví Prahy a jejího okolí).


Recently we have witnessed the deterioration of educational results of Czech pupils in science, an area in which we belonged to world leaders in the last decade. At the same time we face a lack of interest of young people to study science subjects.

All this significantly threatens the future of our national economy. The seminar focuses on various less common ways how to access the world of science and technology to children from very little age.

It aims primarily to show simple and interesting activities that the teacher can carry out without the need for complex tools and equipment in the kindergarten, regular primary school classroom or school club. We will focus on fields that are not represented at our faculty as separate departments, but are still interesting for children (astronomy and astronautics, meteorology, physics) or are important for understanding of contemporary society (solar and nuclear energy, the technical aspects of environmental protection, telecommunications and media).

Therefore, the core of the course will be simple experiments, solving problems and questions that children ask and excursions. The activities / experiments will be provided with interpretations which will enable understanding of the activities carried out and show the world of science and technology through exciting stories of prominent personalities.