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History od Administration

Class at Faculty of Education |


The beginnings and development of the state administration to the arival of the Habsburgs on the Czech throne (ruler and ruler court, territorial administration of the Czech state in the Middle Ages - fates, castle establishment, regional establishment in the Middle Ages);

Court and provincial offices and officials; the Land Assembly and the Land Court (establishment and development until 1525).

Ecclesiastical administration (development until the 1440s, establishment of the Czech church province and its organization into the Hussite Revolution, church administration during the Hussite movement, administration of the Catholic Church and church to the end of the Middle Ages).

The beginnings and development of the city administration until the end of the Middle Ages; development of patrimonial administration until the end of the Middle Ages.

Central institution of the Habsburg monarchy after 1525. Changes in the administration of the Czech lands - OZZ.

Theresian and Josephine reforms.

Constitutional development in Austria / Austria-Hungary since 1848. Central offices of monarchy.

State administration authorities at the country level, self-government.

Constitutional development after the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic (Provisional Constitution, its amendment, definitive constitutional charter of Czechoslovakia. Political administration - government, Ministry of Interior and lower bodies of political administration, county law and its amendment).

Administration in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

Socialist Administration.

Changes after 1989.


This subject is taught in Czech.

The course introduces the students to elementary terminology and landmark events in the history of (not exclusively) legal administration in the topographical and political area of the present Czech Republic, the former Czechoslovakia, and the former Habsburg monarchy. This forms a base for better understanding the exercise of law and power in the course of time. The course also, within its scope, broadens the students’ knowledge of history both general and national.