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Methodology of French language IV.-topical problems

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Každý seminář se zaměří na vybrané téma z didaktiky FJ dle potřeb na požadavků studentů v závislosti na autoreflexi ze souvislé oborové praxe I i II. a tématu/cíli výuky.

Seminář bude obsahovat vlastní výstupy studentů formou "micro enseignement" (důraz na řečové dovednosti ve vztahu k jazykovým prostředkům, evaluaci a strategie) a následnou reflexi formou zápisků a skupinové reflexe (blog).


Acquisition of foreign languages and multicultural studies. Elements of motivation of French learning.

Updating of the learning content. Activating and innovative forms of teaching of French: learing through projects and games, cooperative learning, dramatization...

Problems of evaluation: Common Reference Levels in French, new types of examinations and certificates - DELF, DALF. Contemporary teaching materials and sets for French.

Organizations dealing with the teaching and spreading of French: French Institute in Prague, Alliance française, proffesional association of teachers of French. Teaching of French at the Czech schools.

Those are topics that will be analysed according to needs of students before and after their micro teaching experience during the class. The main aim is the connection between the theorical and practical part of the teaching experience and its group reflection using a blog.