2. Charakteristika didaktických situací při práci s uměleckým dílem
3. Percepce a apercepce ve školské hudební výchově a mimo školu
4. Zásady výběru hudebního díla, vkus a jeho formování
5. Percepce a apercepce, preference vnímatele
6. Charakteristika stylu pro poslech díla a pro didaktickou práci s ním
7. Hierarchie didaktické práce s hudebně výrazovými prostředky
8. Specifika vyučovací jednotky zaměřené na práci s uměleckým dílem
9. Hudba jako komunikační systém z pohledu hudebního pedagoga
10. Vnitrooborové přesahy při didaktické práci s hudebním dílem
11. Mezioborové přesahy při didaktické práci s hudebním dílem
12. Náměty pro samostatnou práci žáka a jejich limity
13. Hudební dílo jako objekt projektové výuky
1. Analytical and educational interpretation of musical works - the specifics of the primary and secondary school
2. Characteristics of teaching situations at work with a work of art
3. Perception and aperception music education in school and outside school
4. Principles of selecting a piece of music, taste and shape
5. Perception and aperception, preferences perceiver
6. Characteristics of style for work and listening to didactic work with him
7. The hierarchy of educational work with musical means of expression
8. The specifics of teaching units designed to work with a work of art
9. Music as a communication system from the perspective of a music teacher
10. Beyond the educational inter-work with a musical work
11. Interdisciplinary didactic work overlaps in the musical work
12. Suggestions for independent student work and their limits
13. Music as object of project
1. Analytical and educational interpretation of musical works - the specifics of the primary and secondary school
2. Characteristics of teaching situations at work with a work of art
3. Perception and aperception music education in school and outside school
4. Principles of selecting a piece of music, taste and shape
5. Perception and aperception, preferences perceiver
6. Characteristics of style for work and listening to didactic work with him
7. The hierarchy of educational work with musical means of expression
8. The specifics of teaching units designed to work with a work of art
9. Music as a communication system from the perspective of a music teacher
10. Beyond the educational inter-work with a musical work
11. Interdisciplinary didactic work overlaps in the musical work
12. Suggestions for independent student work and their limits
13. Music as object of project
Comprehensive analysis of the compositions and the resulting educational interpretation with an emphasis on creating teaching situations and solve problems arising from such situations. Understanding of participants showing a separate output with didactic presentations chosen musical work, while demonstrating skill hudebněpedagogické race with the audience.