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Literary Science Seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |


Course contents: The course is based on the following previous courses: Introduction to Russian Literature, Russian Literature of the 19th century, Russian Literature of the 20th century and Selected Chapters from Russian Literature. It offers the possibility of extended and deeper study of literary history, theory, text analysis and interpretation, focusing on the approaches of famous Russian literary scientists (e.g.

Vinogradov, Bely, Zhirmusky, Tomashevsky, Shklovsky, Jakobson Bakhtin, Skaftymov, Likhatchov, Lotman, Ginzburg, Ivanov). The selection of authors and topics varies according to particular students' needs and interests.

The emphasis is on work with text.


Course aim: Students deepen their knowledge and skills acquired in individual literary scientific seminars.

Course contents: The course is based on the following previous courses: Introduction to Russian Literature, Russian

Literature of the 19th century, Russian Literature of the 20th century and Selected Chapters from Russian Literature. It offers the possibility of extended and deeper study of literary history, theory, text analysis and interpretation, focusing on the approaches of famous Russian literary scientists (e.g. Vinogradov, Bely, Zhirmusky, Tomashevsky, Shklovsky, Jakobson

Bakhtin, Skaftymov, Likhatchov, Lotman, Ginzburg, Ivanov). The selection of authors and topics varies according to particular students' needs and interests. The emphasis is on work with text.