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School Experimental Systems

Class at Faculty of Education |


The basic aim of the course is to acquaint students with the computer-assisted measuring system and with the possibility of simulation of physical environments and phenomena. The computer is part of the measuring and control chain.

Introduction to systems ISES, Cass, LabVIEW, etc. For more details, presented at the ISES system of physical, chemical, respectively. biological experiments.

The LabVIEW system is flexibility shown via powerful graphical programming language LabVIEW for Windows. Into measuring systems is now joined the Internet.

Students actively learn about the possibilities of remote measurement and control via the Internet. Are the real problems such as remote experiments and remote sensing.

School experimental systems have now also the support via video conferencing. And these options are demonstrated with the students in school laboratories.

In addition to own technology, students learn about didactic possibilities of the teaching application.