The aim of the course is to develop and cultivate students' ability of critical self-reflection of pedagogical and educational profession. The education is divided into three areas ? ontology of education (man's relation towards the world), phylogenesis of education (man's relation towards society), and ontogenesis of education (man's relation towards himself). Syllabus: 1.The role of philosophy in the Czech philosophical cogitation. 2.Ontology of education, dilemmas and antinomies of education. 3.Three metamorphoses of education, education in traditional society, education of an inwardly/outwardly oriented man. 4.The archetypes of education: education as a soul care and the cultivation of virtue (Socratic-Platonic tradition). 5.Christian education ? the purport of euducatio. 6.Instrumental education at the beginning of the Modern Era (Bacon, Locke, Descartes, Rousseau). 7.Emendatory dimension of education and the turning point in education (transcendental dimension of education). 8.Education, scholarship and qualification. 9.Dialogical dimension of education and education as a confluence. 10.Education based on sympathy and empathy. 11.The phenomenon of education and pedagogy of communication. 12.Education in crisis and education as a solution of crisis of the world (a post-modern reflection).
Filosofie výchovy jako základ vzdělávání, dialog a jeho úloha, péče o duši a péče o tělo, problém areté, řeč a její úloha ve výchově a vzdělání, "jsme jen rozhovorem", rozhovor "říkáním - beze slov", rozhovor "mluvením - slovy", tázání je zbožností myšlení, problém asymetrické odpovědnosti v dnešním planetárním světě