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Alternative educational programs in theory and practice

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Úvod, co je alternativní škola - vymezení termínu, různé roviny, základní rysy alternativních škol

Frankofonní reformní školy začátku 20. století a dnes (Moderní škola C. Freineta, Decroly, Piaget)

Pragmatická pedagogika (progresivní pedagogika, projektová výuka, daltonský plán)

Venkovské výchovné ústavy a Jenský plán

Waldorfská pedagogika


České reformní směry - Příhoda, Jarníková, Süssová; alternativa pramenící z filozofických kořenů - církevní školy 

Reggio Emilia, koncept Emmi Pikler 

Kurikulum podpory zdraví

Začít spolu

Lesní mateřské školy

Intuitivní pedagogika, unschooling


The course introduces students to the problems of alternative and innovative pedagogical programs and concepts that have developed over the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, which are implemented in the Czech and European preschool institutions, up to the present day (Montessori pedagogy, Waldorf pedagogy, Jensky plan, Reggio Emilia concept, Start Together, Health-promoting kindergartens, Emmi Pikler concept, forest pedagogy, etc.). Students will get acquainted with the main ideas and basic principles of the programs, common and different elements of the concepts.

The course will not only provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge, but it will also allow them to look into the current state of functioning of preschool institutions that put these concepts in practice (in the form of attending such an institution for 1 week of apprenticeship in November according to the schedule of apprenticeship for the academic year 2022/2023).