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3D Art Explorations

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Úvod do disciplíny

· Prostorový tvar a jeho prostředí, veřejný a architektonický prostor

· Vztah prostorového tvaru – hmoty – povrchu

· Design – vztah tvaru a účelu

· Design – imitace a autenticita

· Pozitiv a negativ, konstrukce a dekonstrukce prostorového tvaru

· Možnosti prostorových médií v MŠ – plastický přístup

· Možnosti prostorových médií v MŠ – konstrukční přístup

· Možnosti prostorových médií v MŠ – objekt a instalace

· Možnosti prostorových médií v MŠ – časoprostorová média

· Základy myšlení v materiálu – explorace I

· Základy myšlení v materiálu – explorace II


The course introduces students to thinking about traditional discipline issues in the visual image means spatial and spatiotemporal media, followed by a course on the basics of art culture. Through practical activities, it teaches understanding of traditional issues solved in the history and present of art and design. Students will get an idea of the limits and potentials of working with selected spatial and spatiotemporal media and about their use in pre-school education. The course includes the creation of elementary experience with the process of creation and elementary experience with the evaluation of its process and product.

Thematic plan:

• Introduction to the discipline

• Spatial shape and its surroundings, public, and architectural space

• Relation of spatial shape-matter-surface

• Design – the relation of shape and purpose

• Design – imitation and authenticity

• Positive and negative, construction and deconstruction of spatial shape

• Possibilities of spatial media in pre-school – plastic approach

• Possibilities of spatial media in pre-school – constructional approach

• Possibilities of spatial media in pre-school – object and instalation

• Possibilities of spatial media in pre-school – spatio-temporal media

• Basics of thinking in the material – exploration I

• Basics of thinking in the material – exploration II