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Facultative Literary Seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |


The syllabus is based on the students' choice of texts.


This course focuses on British fiction and drama from the beginning of the 2Oth century to the 1990s. The seminars are based on reading, analysis and interpretation of selected texts which have not been included in compulsory literary course English and American Literature from the 20th century to the Present.

Seminars also involve discussions those socio-historical and cultural aspects which have affected the creation of these texts. On the basis of their interest the students choose 6-7 books from the presented list which includes works of writers such as G.B.

Shaw, D.H. Lawrence, V.

Wolf, A. Huxley, C.

Isherwood, E. G.

Orwell, S. Beckett, K.

Amis, W. Golding, A.

Sillitoe, A. Burgess, J.

Osborne, I. Murdoch, H.

Pinter, D. Lodge, A.

Carter, M. Amis, J.

Barnes, I. McEwan, K.

Ishiguro, J. Winterson, T.

Stoppard, P. Ackroyd, H.

Kureishi or S. Rushdie.