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Modern English IV

Class at Faculty of Education |


Kurz je postaven na vybraných lekcích z učebnice Cambridge English Proficiency Masterclass (Gude a kol. 2012) a zahrnuje následující kapitoly:

WEEK 1 -2

Unit 4 Family and Relationships

WEEK 3-4

Unit 6 Health and Lifestyle

WEEK 5 -6

Unit 7 Science and Technology

WEEK 7-8 + other weeks and self-study

Unit 10  Entertainment and Leisure

Unit 12  Money matters


The aim of the course is the development of language skills equivalent to C1+ (CEFR). The course aims at the following areas: the improvement of language accuracy, fluency and the overall complexity of students’ spoken and written discourse; the systematic enrichment of vocabulary, including collocations, idioms, phasal verbs and abstract concepts. The students are encouraged to perceive the language system as a whole and to acquire the use of less frequent phenomena. Topics for discussion and vocabulary development (including collocations, idioms and word-formation processes): Grammar topics

1. Focus and emphasis, cleft sentences

2. Past modals (possibility, necessity, obligation, speculation)

3. Definining and non-defining clauses; reduced clauses

4. Adverbial claues - manner, reason and contrast clauses

5. Conditionals (counter-factual, unreal, mixed) Vocabulary topics:

1. vocabulary related to the discussed topics (i.e. family, health, science, entertainment, money) including stylistic characteristics, idioms and collocations;

2. word-formation processes

3. synonyms

4.discourse markers