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Grammar II

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Week 1        Unit 32-38        Reported speech

Week 2        Unit 79, 80       Adverbial clauses of time, Adverbial clauses of reason

Week 3        Unit  81, 82      Adverbial clauses of purpose and result, Adverbial clauses of concession and contrast

Week 4        Unit  83-86       Adverbial clauses of condition

Week 5, 6    Unit  53-55       Relative clauses

Week 7        Unit  58-59       Participle clauses (with adverbial meaning)

Week 8        Unit 98             Focusing: it-clauses and what-clauses (cleft sentences) 

Week 9        Unit 99-100      Inversion                 

Week 10                              Punctuation

Week 11                   Revision

Week 12         T E S T

Uvedené lekce ke studiu jsou lekce z Advanced  Grammar in Use.


The course is focused on reported speech, different types of subordinate clauses, inversion, emphatic structures...

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