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History of the Czech literature III

Class at Faculty of Education |

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datum téma 17. 10.

Národ jako kulturní konstrukt a mýtus. První polovina století ve znamení buditelských snah. 31. 10.

Romantismus a romantismy I 14. 11.

Romantismus a romantismy II 28. 11.

Jan Neruda a májovci 12. 12.

Realismus a naturalismus 2. 1.

Konkurenční proudy k realismu–naturalismu.


The course, in the chosen retrograde logic, builds on the History of Czech Literature II and afflicts the 19th century. The issue of the first half of the century will be introduced in the traditional perspective of the awakeners themselves, when literature is secondary to national self-awareness; we will try to reflect this view and derive from it the specific character of Czech culture.

We will then verify the conclusions in a confrontation with the European context. We will discuss the transformation of historical poetics and make clear the importance of phrasing literary historical developments (classicism, pre/romanticism, biedermeier, realism, naturalism and turn-of-the-century currents).

In the period context, we focus on key creative figures (K. H.

Mácha, B. Nemcova, J.

Neruda or K. V.

Rais), on the development of the genre spectrum as well as on the transformation of Czech prosodia.

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