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Introductory Seminar in History I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Historiografie (terminologie, vývoj) Heuristika (bibliografie, syntézy, encyklopedie, slovníky, časopisy, edice) Informační zdroje (archivy, knihovny, internet) Paměťové instituce (muzea, galerie) Odborný historický text (metodologie, typologie, postupy zpracování) Dynamický pramen Kritika pramene (čtení historických textů)


This subject is taught in Czech.

The course shall introduce the students practically to the problems of history as a scientific discipline. Students learn about short history of the discipline, about its organisational structure and important institutions, about historical sources and critical approach to information, about bibliographies and general rules for writing texts and papers. There are short excursions to archives and other institutions, too.