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Teaching Practice - History

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Úvodní seminář 2. Náslechy ve školách (reflexe formou pedagogického deníku, rozhovor s učitelem) 3.

Reflektivní semináře - referáty o násleších, zpětná vazba


The field practice of history consists of visits to institutions providing formal and informal education and active participation in the processes that take place there. In the form of joint visits to elementary schools, school clubs, various types of secondary schools, Children's and Youth Homes, low-threshold facilities and other leisure institutions, students get to know the real conditions of the basic professions for which they will be prepared during their studies.

They can choose assistant practice, which consists in helping the teacher in preparation, but also in their own implementation and reflection of the teaching, they can work with weaker or talented students in history and assist directly in teaching history to a specific student. They can also prepare and correct history tests and homework, help with history competitions and other events that the school.

The goal is to ensure a closer connection between university training and practice. At the same time, students deepen their knowledge of the school environment and familiarize themselves with the operation of educational institutions.