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The Origins of Civilisation

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1.-2. Starověká Mezopotámie I. - II. 3.-4.

Starověký Egypt I.-II. 5. Starověký - biblický Přední východ /Palestina, Sýrie, Judea/ 6.

Starověké východní Středomoří /Egejská oblast, Turecko, Kréta, Mykény, Chetitská říše/ 7. Starověká Indie 8.

Starověká Čína, Korea a Japonsko 9. Předkolumbovské civilizace amerického kontinentu 10.-11.

Starověké civilizace a společnost a kultura českých zemí v pravěku I. - II.


In this course, students will get an overview of the history, culture and spirituality of the oldest pre-antique, oriental and pre-Columbian civilizations, as well as the development of the prehistoric settlement of the Czech lands. The lectures will provide an overview of the known historical development of the relevant civilization from the point of view of preserved written and archaeological sources, examples of research to date and knowledge of selected key locations and evidence of artistic and craft creation.

Course structure (11 lectures in total): 1.-2. Ancient Mesopotamia I.-II., 3.-4.

Ancient Egypt I.-II., 5. Ancient - biblical Near East /Palestine, Syria, Judea/, 6.

Ancient Eastern Mediterranean /Aegean region, Turkey, Crete, Mycenae, Hittite Empire/, 7. Ancient India, 8.

Ancient China, Korea and Japan, 9. Pre-Columbian civilizations of the American continent, 10.-11.

Ancient civilizations and the society and culture of the Czech lands in prehistoric times I.-II.