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Inorganic Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Education |


General part:

1.                  Atomic structure, former and actual theories, wave mechanics, Schrödinger equation.

2.                  Quantum numbers, orbitals, their shapes, nodal faces

3.                  Chemical bond, types of bonds

4.                  Covalent bond

5.                  Molecular orbitals theory

6.                  Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR)

7.                  Ionic bond and structure of crystalline compounds

8.                  Metal bond

9.                  Weak bonding interactions

10.              Basic crystalochemistry

11.              Basic coordination chemistry   Systematical part:

1.                  Hydrogen and oxygen

2.                  Halides: elements, group characterization, oxygenfree compounds

3.                  Halides: oxides, oxoacids and their salts

4.                  Chalcogenides: elements, group characterzation, oxygenfree compounds

5.                  Oxoacids of sulfur, selenium and tellurium and their salts

6.                  N-group elemets: group characterization, oxygenfree compounds

7.                  Oxides and oxoacids of nitrogen and their salts

8.                  Oxides and oxoacids of phosphorus and their salts

9.                  Carbon-group elements

10.              Boron-group elements

11.              Alkaline metals

12.              Alkaline earths metals   Cvičení:

1.                  Inorganic nomenclature

2.                  Chemical equations

3.                  Shapes of molecules and ions

4.                  Properties and reactivity of main group elements and their compounds


Atomic structure. Schrödinger equation.

Chemical bond. Molecular Orbital Theory.

Molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules. Ionization energies.

Hydrogen bonding and weak interactions. Shapes of molecules and molecular symmetry.

Electronegativity. Atomic radii in covalent and ionic compounds.

Systematic chemistry of main group elements.

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