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Introduction to the literary theory

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1 Základní pojmy 2 Epika, Lyrika 3 Základní druhy a žánry 4 Sonet a balada 5 Autobiografie a autofikce 6 Divadlo 7 Komparatistika a světová literatura 8 Rytmus, verš a rým 10 Esej a filosofická pohádka 11 Francouzská a frankofonní literatura 12 Opakování


The course is based on gaining the theoretical knowledge in the field of the literary theory, of the history of literature and of the literary criticism with the emphasis on French philology. The acquired knowledge will be straightened by reading academic and literary articles by Czech and foreign experts on Romance languages, and also by reading literary texts by French authors in French.

The emphasis is put on the distinction and understanding of the following concepts – literary theory, history of literature, literary criticism, comparative literature, world literature, translation studies, interpretation, reception of literary work, Romance studies in the Czech Republic and in the world. Primarily, the course develops the competence to apply the theoretical knowledge in a literary text, to distinguish between the basic literary genres (poetry, prose, drama ; a poem : metrical foot, rhyme, stanza; novel, novelette, types of narration; tragedy, comedy). It is necessary to master the main technical terms of literary theory.

The course prepares students for optional seminars in literature. Students work with literary texts, web links, dictionaries, handbooks.

An outline of the important periods. Students will work independently with dictionaries, they will write résumés, comments and a review.