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French Language and Civilization IV

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Týden 1-4 Unité 1 "A mon avis". Grammaire et vocabulaire: exprimer son opinion, indicatif/subjonctif. Civilisation: les institutions françaises.  

Týden 5-8 Unité 2 "Quelque chose à déclarer?"Grammaire et vocabulaire: mots de liaison; verbes déclaratifs; discours rapporté au passé.Civilisation: l'Académie française, le système éducatif et le système judiciaire en France.

Týden 9-12 Unité 3 " Ca presse"Grammaire: Cause et conséquence; le passif. Vocabulaire: la presse; les faits divers. Civilisation: la presse française et francophone.

Tři semináře budou věnovány fonetické intervenci: PhDr. Kateřina Suková Vychopňová, Ph.D. - 18.3., 8.4., 6.5.


The French language course (FLE), based on the French textbook Édito B2 (Didier), follows up on the previous course Praktický jazyka reálie III. The aim of the course is to put students in contact with the French language environment and to acquire language skills corresponding to B2 CEFR levels.

Emphasis is placed on the development of language and intercultural competencies. The core of every lesson are language, grammar, lexical, and speech activites.

The course's specificity is the use of follow-up resources for both class and self-study (Radio Praha,,, use of ICT tools and the use of todays authentic documents in the current francophone context.