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Practical Language and Culture Studies I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Semináře v týdnu 1 + 2: úvodní hodina, brise-glace, Unité 1 (Vivre ensemble)

Semináře v týdnu 3 + 4: Unité 2 (Le goût des nôtres)

Semináře v týdnu 5 + 6: Unité 3 (Travailler autrement)

Semináře v týdnu 7 + 8: půlsemestrální (auto)evaluace, Unité 4 (Date limite de la consommation)

Semináře v týdnu 9 + 10: Unité 5 (Le français dans le monde)

Semináře v týdnu 11 + 12: Unité 6 (Médias en masse), závěrečná formativní evaluace

(Detailní popis obsahu výuky viz učebnice kurzu)


The course develops language skills in an integrated and practical way. The student will improve both written and speaking and related language topics.

Through active lesson concepts (movement and game activities, presentations, dramatic elements), the student will consolidate the knowledge acquired in secondary school and develop it. Emphasis is placed on the link between language and culture, which is understood interculturally and from a Francophonia perspective.

The course combines the teaching of a native speaker and a Czech lecturer, and ongoing evaluation is provided. The A2-B1 level guarantees the possibility of continuous homogenization of the students' language knowledge and skills, which is teh main goal of the course teachers and is the aim of this introductory language course.