1. Úvod, seznámení, podmínky zakončení předmětu, literatura aj.
2. Základní pojmy
3. Respirační, fonační a artikulační ústrojí
4. Intonace, rytmus, rytmické členění
5. Přízvuk
6. API
7. Vázání a řetězení
8. Schwa
9. Samohlásky ústní
10. Samohlásky nosové
11. Polokonsonanty
12. Souhlásky
The student will become familiar with the phonemic and prosodic levels of contemporary French and understand their interrelationship in both French and English in order to successfully anticipate in practice the difficulties of students arising from phonetic-phonological interference. Attention will be paid to traditional topics such as the basic concepts of phonetics and phonology of the French language, the relationship between the phonological and graphic aspects of French, voice production and speech production, the characteristics of segmental (vocals, consonants, semi-consonants) and suprasegmental (functions of prosody, types of accent and its functions, rhythm, intonation, syllabic segmentation, binding and chaining, etc. The student will be actively acquainted with selected linguistic and didactic literature in the field and other relevant sources.
The content of the course has been upgraded from the winter semester 2022/2023 and new study aids have been created.