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Normative grammar

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Temata ve svém rozvržení v rámci hodin semestru:

1. Paradigmatika pravidelných francouzských sloves

2. +

3. Paradigmatika nepravidelných francouzských sloves

4. Syntagmatika francouzských sloves

5. +

6. Systematika slovesných tvarů

7. +

8. Paradigmatika francouzských zájmen

9. +

10. Systematika zájmenných tvarů

11. Souslednost časová

12. Podmínkové věty


The subject enables the student to master the grammatical phenomena in practice at an adequate level which corresponds with the requirements of the subject studies of the French language in the bachelor's degree. The student demonstrates the capability to make the correct forms of the verbs, to comprehend the rules concerning the use of verb tenses and moods, and to apply the knowledge given to coherent texts.

He or she acquires the ability to use sundry forms: COD, COI, adverbial pronouns y, en, independent (stressed) pronouns. He or she masters the verb agreement related to the verbs with the auxiliary verbs être and avoir and successfully connects the relevant phrases to the verbs with respect to the sense of the proposition.

The student reacts to the use of sequence of tenses and puts the principles regarding the conditional clauses into practice. Topics: Verbs on -er, -ir, -re, -oir, irregular verbs, corresponding verb phrases; Reflexive and auxiliary verbs; Modal verbs, Phase verbs, Factitive verbs; Simple and complex verb tenses - their use; Simple and complex verb moods - their use; Positive and negative imperatives; The verb agreement with the auxiliary verbs être and avoir; The rules concerning COD, COI, the use of adverbial pronouns -y, -en, independent (stressed) pronouns; The sequence of tenses; Conditional clauses.